*Guidelines for Workshops and Gatherings
*STATEMENT: The Womonscape Center is a non-profit organization that celebrates and supports women of all ages in their desire to live rich and fulfilling lives. The Center’s aim is to be educational, supportive, recreational and peaceful. The Womonscape Center is a place for women to share resources, conversation, and ideas; for quiet reflection and study; and a respectful and safe place for all women to attend workshops and gatherings. The Womonscape Center is also committed to provide all activities free of charge. Each of these goals is essential to the success of the Womonscape Center.
*NOTE: The Womonscape Center is a commercial-free space. What does this mean? We do not sell products. We want all women to come in this space freely and without the (sometimes hidden) pressure to buy something. Yes, we ask for donations; we operate only on donations. We will not ask you to give when you cannot, or to pay a fee to be part of a group.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding workshops and gatherings at the Womonscape Center (WSC).
FAQ #1: Who can lead a workshop or facilitate a gathering at the WSC?
Answer: Any woman or girl may lead a workshop or facilitate a gathering at the Center. Interested persons should discuss workshop/gathering ideas directly with a WSC Board member, or contact a staff member at the Center who can then refer the idea to the Board for discussion at its monthly meeting.
FAQ #2: What topics are acceptable?
Answer: Topics and activities must be in accord with the WSC mission, to support and strengthen women. In general, topics should promote healthy relationships, support positive body image, and encourage the exploration of ideas without fear of judgement.
FAQ #3: How do the leaders and facilitators get paid?
Answer: They don’t. Since the WSC operates on donations, anyone who provides a workshop or facilitates a gathering does so by donating her knowledge and services in the spirit of sharing with and supporting other women. Workshop leaders may ask any Center staff member for a record of the donation of their services to Womonscape (a registered non-profit organization) for tax purposes.
FAQ #4: What about workshops that need materials? Who pays for those?
Answer: Workshop materials may be provided at the WSC in one of several ways.
A. Materials may be paid for and provided to the workshop participants by the workshop leader.
B. The workshop leader may apply to the Womonscape Center Board of Directors for possible assistance with purchasing and providing materials.
C. Workshop participants may provide their own materials.
FAQ #5: Can workshop leaders sell books or supplies or other items at the WSC?
Answer: No. As a non-profit organization the Womonscape Center is dedicated to being a commercial-free space. Workshop leaders may recommend or advise participants as to where they may purchase related books or supplies, but no sales of items are allowed at the Center.
©APRIL 2013
*NOTE: The Womonscape Center is a commercial-free space. What does this mean? We do not sell products. We want all women to come in this space freely and without the (sometimes hidden) pressure to buy something. Yes, we ask for donations; we operate only on donations. We will not ask you to give when you cannot, or to pay a fee to be part of a group.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding workshops and gatherings at the Womonscape Center (WSC).
FAQ #1: Who can lead a workshop or facilitate a gathering at the WSC?
Answer: Any woman or girl may lead a workshop or facilitate a gathering at the Center. Interested persons should discuss workshop/gathering ideas directly with a WSC Board member, or contact a staff member at the Center who can then refer the idea to the Board for discussion at its monthly meeting.
FAQ #2: What topics are acceptable?
Answer: Topics and activities must be in accord with the WSC mission, to support and strengthen women. In general, topics should promote healthy relationships, support positive body image, and encourage the exploration of ideas without fear of judgement.
FAQ #3: How do the leaders and facilitators get paid?
Answer: They don’t. Since the WSC operates on donations, anyone who provides a workshop or facilitates a gathering does so by donating her knowledge and services in the spirit of sharing with and supporting other women. Workshop leaders may ask any Center staff member for a record of the donation of their services to Womonscape (a registered non-profit organization) for tax purposes.
FAQ #4: What about workshops that need materials? Who pays for those?
Answer: Workshop materials may be provided at the WSC in one of several ways.
A. Materials may be paid for and provided to the workshop participants by the workshop leader.
B. The workshop leader may apply to the Womonscape Center Board of Directors for possible assistance with purchasing and providing materials.
C. Workshop participants may provide their own materials.
FAQ #5: Can workshop leaders sell books or supplies or other items at the WSC?
Answer: No. As a non-profit organization the Womonscape Center is dedicated to being a commercial-free space. Workshop leaders may recommend or advise participants as to where they may purchase related books or supplies, but no sales of items are allowed at the Center.
©APRIL 2013
*Artwork Display Policy
Baraboo and the surrounding area is rich in women artists. In celebrating women’s gifts and accomplishments, the Womonscape Center (WSC) welcomes artists to display their work in the Center.
The following guidelines pertain to all artwork at the WSC.
8. Any woman interested in displaying her artwork at the Womonscape Center should contact the
WSC Board of Directors directly, or make arrangements with a WSC staff member to talk with the
Board. ©APRIL 2013
The following guidelines pertain to all artwork at the WSC.
- Artwork must be produced by a woman artist or a group of women artists. “Artwork’ includes all original 2- and 3- dimensional creative work generally recognized as folk art, crafts, or fine art.
- At any given time only one (1) piece of art by a particular artist may be displayed. The size of each piece is not rigidly defined; however, no single piece of displayed artwork should be so large that it impedes or distracts from WSC activities.
- Artwork may be celebratory, educational, recreational, supportive, or peaceful in its relationship to women’s lives. It may not belittle or objectify anyone, female or male.
- While the WSC staff will handle all artwork with the utmost care, the WSC is not liable for any damages to artwork on its premises.
- Artwork is for display purposes only. Each piece may be identified by the title of the work and the name of the artist, but the WSC does not actively promote the work of individual artists nor the sale of individual artwork other than for the purpose of raising funds for the Center.
- Artwork donated to the WSC becomes the property of the Center. Artwork owned by the WSC may be displayed, stored, sold, loaned, or further donated, as authorized by the WSC Board of Directors.
- Artwork may be displayed for any length of time acceptable to both the artist and the
8. Any woman interested in displaying her artwork at the Womonscape Center should contact the
WSC Board of Directors directly, or make arrangements with a WSC staff member to talk with the
Board. ©APRIL 2013